Our Mission Statement

We strive to educate, inspire and empower young people, through highly interactive programs, to make healthy choices that will positively impact their physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual well-being.

Through Alive & Well I learned that you should never give up and always be yourself, who you are made to be.
— Alive and Well Student

Our Staff

Our team is made up of dedicated individuals who are passionate about teaching teens how important it is to make healthy life choices.

Alive & Well has taught me how to make wise decisions in stressful situations.
— Alive and Well Student

How Does It Work?

Now that you know WHY your school needs Alive & Well, you may be wondering HOW it works. In this video, Wendy explains what to expect when Alive & Well comes to your school.

Alive & Well has helped me become stronger emotionally.
— Alive and Well Student

5 Session Program & the Importance of Trusted Adults

In every lesson Alive & Well instructors explain how important it is for teens to have trusted adults in their lives to share struggles with. At the end of each lesson they are given a parent-talk homework assignment designed to open up the lines of communication between parent and child.

Alive & Well has made me want to talk about my problems.
— Alive and Well Student

Surveys and Reports

Before we go into each school, students fill out an anonymous online survey so we can retrieve valuable information about their class’s specific struggles. After all sessions are complete, students take an anonymous post-Alive & Well survey that reveals what they have learned. Survey results are compiled into a report that is sent to school administration and teachers.

Alive & Well has helped me to understand that my opinions matter.
— Alive and Well Student

Want to know more?

We strive to educate, inspire and empower young people, through highly interactive programs, to make healthy choices that will positively impact their physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. This impact is made through a classroom setting (5th grade through high school), where we teach students the lesson for the day. Topics include:

Career Preparation
Conflict Resolution
Creating Healthy Relationships
Effective Communication

Goal Setting
Internet Safety
Sex Trafficking

Signs of Abusive Relationships
STD/STI Education
Strategies for Anxiety and Depression
Stress Management Substance Abuse
Unplanned Pregnancy
Overcoming Peer Pressure


These topics are taught through engaging lessons which include relevant videos, class discussion, interactive demonstrations and classroom prizes. After each lesson, the student receives a Parent Talk homework assignment that is designed to be comp[leted with their parents. In this way, the conversations that are brought up in class can be continued at home.

This program has taught me how to stay safe on media.
— Alive and Well Student


“I believe Alive and Well gives the students an adult perspective that is not from a teacher or administrator. This allows the students to ask questions without fear of repercussions.”
- High School Teacher

Alive & Well has shown me a path that is better than the one I was on before.
— Alive and Well Student

Our Vision Statement

Alive & Well exists to partner with parents, educators and youth workers in order to equip young people with the skills needed to make healthy lifestyle choices. While peers and society often pressure youth to become involved in impulsive, risky behaviors, we encourage them to make informed, wise decisions.  

With an emphasis on sexual abstinence until marriage and whole person health, Alive & Well specializes in providing engaging, interactive programs that speak to teens on their own level. We encourage young people to treat others with respect, set goals, resist negative peer pressure, employ positive coping mechanisms and seek help from trusted adults.  

These programs are used by schools to meet a variety of state and national standards.  Through a combination of in-class instruction, parent/teen activities and online support, students are encouraged to keep their futures in mind when making decisions that will affect themselves, their community and the world.

Through Alive & Well, I feel like I finally have a voice.
— Alive and Well Student